Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Happy Birthday Bug

Snuggle Bug did me proud, he partied hard and had a really jam packed birth-weekend, let alone birthday. Celebrations started on Saturday; while the girls were having their morning tea, the boys were all off to the waterfront for lunch and a boat trip. Sunday was spent with the family, opening lots of prezzies, having lunch and eating lots of cake. Monday was his birthday party, held at his little Nursery School, kindly provided and hosted by the ever lovely Aunty B. Festivities were brought to an end on Monday night with a scrumptious dinner treat at a restaurant. Phew. *I* was worn out by the end of it all and so was little Bug who didn't even make it home from the restaurant and promptly passed out in the car. Congrats little Bug, you did good. Happy, Happy, Birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A bit late and all (VERY) but a happy birthday to your cute little guy