Saturday, 15 March 2008

Pre-Clean Clean.

In case you haven't heard yet or don't know me well enough to know; bugs and dirt freak me out.....completely. While I am not the world's best house keeper and my home may not always be super tidy-ish, I hope to think that is is clean. I am not a fan of dust or their mite supporters and groupies, I am not big on spider webs or their eight legged creators. I do not ever want to have to be afraid to reach underneath the sofa for a missing toy and have anxiety attacks and images of my arm returning minus a finger or hand....Yes...I know the imagination is far too overactive.

Our little unwelcome visitors that decided to make themselves at home in Madam Fluff's hair have, of course, completely freaked me. As mentioned previously we are lice and nit free and just to be absolutely, without a doubt certain, I intend on purchasing another bottle of THE shampoo, which hopefully still comes with THE free comb and will proceed to anti-lice-shampoo every one in the house again tomorrow. And first thing Monday the carpet cleaners will be here armed to the hilt with every potion that will not only kill anything attempting to seek sanctuary in my home but leave me with fragrant carpets in a new shade of brown.

In an attempt to make sure that this operation will run smoothly, I took it upon myself to spring clean the house today as well as the carpets. My Mother thought I was rather anal and making too much unnecessary work for myself and I recall someone telling me I was a Nut. I beg to differ, I mean surely when one goes to the gynae, you make sure that you can dash home first or to the nearest facility and give yourself a quick spring clean THERE before he/she does the deed. Frankly I don't think I know of anyone who doesn't brush their teeth before going to the dentist. How is this different? I am a rather insecure individual and I cannot deal with the thought that I had given anyone reason to say anything bad about me and would rather the cleaners left here saying, "My weren't those carpets sooo clean, I'm surprised she needed us at all". That image my insecure persona can live with.

Perhaps I am anal and perhaps I could be called Nutty on occasion, it's in the genes I'm afraid, but on Monday morning I'll be waiting at the front door with my "Bree van der Kamp" smile, with fresh muffins and coffee waiting in the kitchen, just in case the cleaners need to be distracted from my dismal attempt at cleaning the carpets.

1 comment:

Tertia said...

And I thought *I* was bad ;-)

PS Any spare muffins you have left over that the cleaning people don't want, you are welcome to bring to school.