Monday, 10 March 2008

Second House from the Corner Airport

Dear Mr. Hubby

Welcome to "Second House From the Corner Airport"; We are a small local private airport situated aproximately 25 minutes from the tarmac.
The cafeteria/coffee shop is located next to the VIP visitors lounge and upon request will serve coffee at 04h30 in the morning, to request breakfast at this time is to push one's luck too far.
Our team of one friendly staff member will pack your luggage (overnight or for a week) neatly into your travel bag or bags, how ever many is requested.
The packing of clean, neatly pressed clothing, sanitary wear, cosmetics and the occasional surprise snack, love note or magazine is an added extra supplied with love for your convenience.
We accept no responsibility for any items not packed in your suitcase; This includes itineraries, ID books, cell phones and/or chargers as well as your freaking wallet...ahem.
We are currently in the process of negotiating with our suppliers for baggage trolleys and therefor arranging to get your luggage from the Airport to your vehicle is your own problem, sorry, *ahem*, your responsibility.
WE will however be more than willing to accompany you to your vehicle, kiss and hug you goodbye and wish you a safe journey; please do not expect that we get out of our PJ's for this privilege.
Our one staff member will give you a courtesy call to find out if you've reached your destination, keep in regular contact with you to ensure your safety and to keep you updated on current events; It is not unusual for the three apprentices to have some current event news of their own which they will very likely be inclined to share.
Upon your return, our one friendly staff member and her three apprentices will greet you at the entrance, embrace you and tell you how very much they missed you and that they are so very happy that you have made a safe return to the airport.

In between trips please feel free to attempt to steal any moment that you can to recoup and recover from your very demanding recent trip. (This can regrettably yet understandably be hampered by the eagerness of the airport's three apprentices and the updates of the latest events, by your very own personal assistant, who, by the way, is also our one, friendly and helpful staff member.)

We regret that you were not adequately able to recover entirely from your most recent trip as a mere 24 hours later almost precisely to the minute, you had left the building, suitcase in hand (ok I won't lie, this time packed by himself....).
We dishearteningly watched you proceed to your vehicle which transported you almost to the tarmac of the airplane waiting to take you to your next destination, leaving our one staff member and her three apprentices feeling the void of your absence and waiting eagerly to provide you with their very own unique service upon your return.

Mr. Hubby, our cherrished Husband and Daddy; We wish you a pleasant, safe journey and flight and we thank you for frequenting our "Second House From the Corner Airport".
Should you have any comments or queries, please contact our one, very friendly staff member and/our three apprentices. Complaints can be kept to yourself.

With Love
Our One very friendly staff member

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