Monday, 24 March 2008

The beach

What an absolutely stunning autumn day here today. First thing this morning I prepared a little picnic basket and we headed off for the beach. Our usual spot was under attack by the gale force winds that we get here and we went in search of a new spot. Found one. Perfect. Quiet, calm and beautiful. The kids had an absolute ball.

Today's title supplied courtesy of Kade, who is so very chuffed that he can spell a little now and write words in the sand that one can actually make sense of. Well done my boy.

Only children can enjoy such really, really icy water. I think I stood in it all of 10 seconds and I temporarily lost the feeling in my feet.

What a beautiful sight. Amid the buzz of life, it is so easy to forget the beauty that surrounds you in your own "back yard".

1 comment:

Fifi said...

I also have 3 kiddeos, so I understand how the "Buzz of Life" can consume us!

Beautiful pics..... glad I found you, I love to connect with other blogging moms.