Monday, 26 May 2008

Sugar rushes and party cakes

After much preparation; finally and very successfully our fun day, fundraiser had arrived and what a fun day it was.

The Mother's Committee of Snuggle Bug's school hosted a Cake Decorating competition for the children; each child had to decorate a cake which was put into categories and judged. All in all I think there was about 70 cake entries, all of which were stunning. See below.

My kiddies each decorating their part of our entry which was a sweetie train cake. Kade took his job very seriously, Caley did her bit as quickly as she could and snuck off to play and Connor spent most of his time eating the icing, thankfully I had prepared enough.....hee hee.

This is ONE of the THREE tables adorned with the most beautiful cakes, all made by the kids. OK, I think there were one or two grown up fingers contributing but mostly done by the children. The fairy castle cake was the first prize winner! GREAT don't you think!!!

Our contribution, the sweetie train cake. Kade decorated the engine and Caley and Connor each decorated a little carriage. What a good job guys, well done!


Anonymous said...

Their cake looks gREAT!

Fifi said...

Amazing! Those are fantastic! I think your cake should have got the gold!!!!!!!

What a clever idea.... and very talented kids.